Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Greater Things Are Yet to Come

Well it's been a couple days now since we held our first service in our new location. I agree with Jeff--I don't know when to stop calling it our "new location" and start calling it our building, the building, the church, our church,etc. Something will stick. It is nice to have our offices in the same spot. One thing I know for sure, it's not OUR building, it's God's. We just get to use it for His Kingdom.

Being portable was Awesome! It really was. But, now we are in a different season. Our message or our methods won't change. Just our location.

We continue to get several awesome emails from people about Sunday's service. Love reading each and every one of them. Love when people are excited about church. That same "buzz" in the air that was in the theater between services was there Sunday.

After second service was a little surreal. Everyone that had been helping me tear down the theater lobby every Sunday for a year didn't know what to do after second service this time. "You mean I can just leave this stuff here and will still be here next week"? "Yup"! "Cool"!
One guy came up to me in the middle of second service and said "Man I need a job. I need something to do on Sundays. " We'll definitely find something for him to do.

THE most important thing that happened Sunday was that people found LIFE. Several people prayed for salvation in both services. It STILL gets me. It still ROCKS my world that I get to be a part of this. That God would choose someone such as me to do His work. WOW! May it always be so. May I ALWAYS rejoice when someone gets saved at Element Church!
I really do believe that our best days are ahead of us.

Greater things are yet to come! Are you ready?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Yesterday we got our TCO. We are in. We will worship at our new location this Sunday. YES!! More work yet to be done. Nothing we can't handle.
So much I could talk about. So many thoughts.
But I really only have one thing to say at this time, and that is "Thank You."
Thanks to ALL of the people that have given of their time and resources for this project.
Couldn't have done it without you. May you be blessed for your efforts.
GREATER things are yet to come!