Friday, June 29, 2007

Random Thoughts

One of the pastors that I follow his blog will occasionaly post a blog called "Mindless Dump". He got the title from another pastor who titled his "Mind Dump". It usually consists of some thoughts that they need to get off their brain so they can move on. I'm going to attempt the same thing. (Hopefully mine will fall somewhere in the middle between "mind' and "mindless") Maybe I'll call mine "Random Thoughts". Here goes....
1) This Sunday is our first preview service. Can't wait. Church in a movie theater. Who da' thunk it? People's first chance to get a feel for what Element Church is going to be all about. If there's 5 or 500 it's going to be AWESOME.
2) My job takes me onto the Air Force base twice a week and EVERY time I go out there I just know that we are supposed to someday do something to serve those people. Can't wait to see that day.
3)I LOVE hanging around other pastors that have a heart for the lost of this city. You can really tell the ones that are here to make a difference for the Kingdom from the ones that are just going through the motions. May I ALWAYS be the former.
4)Have I mentioned that I love the team I'm on?
5) Have I mentioned that Sunday is our first preview service?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What More Could A Man Ask For?

I am a blessed man! Two recent events have really brought that point home in my life. Of course, last Sunday was Father's Day. The day before that, June 16th, was also signifigant in my life, an "anniversary" day. These two dates really got me thinking about where I am in my life.
Let's start with my wife, Terri Lynn. She has been in my life for 23 years. We met on June 16th, 1984, when I was twenty. So that means she's been in my life more than half my life. WOW. Mere words on a page fall miserably short when trying to express how totally blessed I am to have her. She is an amazing wife and mother. I could continue to list all of her attributes but I'll list just one more. MOST important of all is she has a incredible walk with the LORD! She has always been willing to follow God's will for her life. And I believe God has blessed her because of her obedience. I could, and probably should, go on and on.
Now let's talk about Father's Day. My two teenage sons, Morgan and Nathan, asked me what I wanted as a gift. My response "Nothing". Then I continued with "Well, not nothing. What I want I already have. What I want for Father's Day is to know that my children are walkng with the LORD and I know that they are so what more could I ask for?"
The LORD has also chosen to totally bless me with amazing men of God that I can call both friends and co-workers. The staff that God has assembled for Element Church is a total blessing in my life. As I continue to get to know them better and listen to their passion for God and for the lost of this city, my love and respect for them only grows.
So, here I am on this great adventure of helping plant a church. I have an awesome wife, incredible kids, great friends, and a relationship with the living God.
So I ask again--"What more could a man ask for?"

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Coaches and Teammates

I couldn't be on a better team. I could fill up pages telling how God worked in everybody's lives to make them part of this team. I love being around my teammates. I love praying, working, growing, serving and dreaming with them. We also have alot of fun.
God has also put some incredible coaches in my life. Like any good coach they encourage me, empower me, uplift me, but most importantly they challenge me. Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend".
That's who I want to hang around. People who are "sharp" in their walk with God. Who are living surrendered lives, who are willing to ask the tough questions, who's actions speak louder than their words. I want people in my life that will run beside me as I chase after God and all that He has for my life. As "teammates" we all have different gifts and abilities that enhance the power of the team. We all can't be the quaterback. A team needs people that are willing to block and tackle also.
God wants to put you on a "team" somewhere. Please just trust Him. I believe God wouldn't have totally blessed me with awesome teammates and coaches if I wouldn't have been willing to give up my old ones from "back in the day".