Thursday, January 17, 2008

Life Group update

The Knit Together Life Group have a blog it is:

Check it out!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Life Groups

I've decided to expand my horizons a little when it comes to my blog and use it as a informational tool in addition to sharing my thoughts. I will give occasional updates on this blog about the ministries that I oversee at Element Church. So this blog is going to be about Life Groups. Mostly an update, but I'll share a little (or a lot) at the end.

We have several brand new groups launching, plus some that are relaunching.

The new ones first:

Knit Together--- a ladies knitting group that meets on Monday nights

Foundations---Pastor Jeff will be leading this group on Monday nights. It will be about foundational and "core" beliefs of the Christian faith. This course will be geared towards new or fairly new Christians.

The Barbarian Way, a book by Erwin McManus--this group will be for men on Wednesday nights.

Galatians--this group will be going through the Book of Galatians, meeting on Thursday nights.

Celebrate Recovery--this group is for anyone who has or is struggling with any addiction. This group will be meeting on Saturday afternoons.

These groups are relaunching:

Ephesians--this group meets on Wednesday nights at my house at 7.

40 weeks of Purpose--this group is going to go through a curriculum based on the book "Purpose Driven Life". This group is currently looking for anyone interested. It will be meeting on Sunday nights.

More groups that are in the pre-launch stage, that people have expressed an interest in, that we a currently looking for leaders and/or hosts include:

--a Mother/daughter group--have a host home, looking for a leader and other people interested

--Praying Parents of teenagers; we have a couple interested in leading and hosting, just looking for more people wanting to attend.

--Marriage 101---we have some couples interested in some type of marriage Life Group.

---twenty-somethings group--looking for host and leaders

We also have a couple of groups that are currently a couple of weeks from being done with there current study and will be "re-tooling" and getting started again (one is a couples groups that meets on Wednesday nights and the other a ladies group that meets on Thursday nights.

Honestly, a church our size, there is WAY more room for more Life Groups in ALL areas.

I realized most of this information is VERY basic. At this point, I didn't have permission from any of the leaders and/or hosts to give out names and numbers and locations, so I didn't feel comfortable posting that info on this blog. I just really wanted to get the basic info out there. If you want more specific info, or have any questions, e-mail me at--, and I'll get back to you.

Let me stress a couple things, if you can't find one of the groups that you think fits you, then let me help you find one or create one that does fit. And, feel free to try a group out for a couple weeks, if it's not working for you, your free to try another.

Hope this helps.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

First and Last

So here we are in 2008 and WOW what a memorable 2007 it was. It has caused me to reflect on some of the "milestones" in my life and the life of Element Church. Some of them are obvious, some... not so much.

In no particular order:

Element Church had it's first wedding. I was blessed to be able to participate in the ceremony. My first time helping officiate a wedding. It was powerful. It is so awesome to be involved in an event like that and just KNOW that the ceremony was God ordained and blessed. I could just feel God smiling down on the bride and groom.

Element Church had it's first child dedication. Won't be our last. Also, my first time helping officiate an event like that. Another powerful and blessed moment in my/our life. Looking forward to the next one.

Later that same day, Element Church had it's first baptism. Also, won't be our last. Jeff asked me to help in this ceremony too. Jeff and I baptised two young ladies who are both from totally different backgrounds, both at totally different "stages" in life, yet both are incredible in their own ways and both totally sold out to God. I'm blessed to know them both. This was my first time helping with a baptism ceremony. The last time if found myself in a baptismal font was quite a while ago and in a totally different setting. I was about 15 or 16 and I found myself waist-deep in water in a font inside the Mormon temple in Idaho Falls, ID getting baptised for about twenty dead people. At this point, all I can really say is.... the first "event" some 28 years ago just felt weird, the latter was amazing.

There are more moments that I could share, and maybe I will later. Just wanted to share a few. Grant