Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bring The Rain

So I heard this song the other day and I can't get it out of my head until I blog about it.

The song is "Bring The Rain" by Mercy Me, which just happens to be one of my favorite bands. They write some amazing songs.

The gist of the song (at least in my brain): Well.... it's kind of a prayer to God. Basically says---"LORD, if I need some "rain" in my life to get my eyes focused on You and not me, then bring the rain"

Which then got me thinking--Have I EVER done that? Have I ever woke up in the morning praying that prayer. Have I ever purposely asked God for some "rain" in my life for that day? What about a "storm". Have you? Probably not.

Why? Well, if you're like me, when I'm in some rain or in a storm my focus tends to be on the storm and not God. So is it as simple as a decision? My attitude IS my decision.

When Peter was walking on water, when did he start sinking? When his focus changed! When he took his eyes of Jesus and started looking at the waves--the storm- he sunk.

So that is a challenge, isn't it. What to do when you're in a storm?
We all know that storms happen--life happens. My prayer for you and me---Focus on our SAVIOR and not our storm.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our Volunteers!!!

I'm sitting here trying to "digest" what just happened at Element Church today, and all I can think about is how incredible our volunteers are. I mean that. Each and every one of them serve so willingly. THEY are what make Sunday mornings happen. Each one of them are AS important to Element as any of the staff. Whether they serve five minutes of five hours on Sunday, each and every one of them are helping us help people find LIFE. And that is why we are here, to help people find THE LIFE in CHRIST.

So.....to all of you that volunteer at Element Church, THANK YOU!!!!!! I count it an honor and a privilege to serve beside you, to call you friends, and to watch you pour yourselves into other people's lives.

Thank you all for your patience and encouragement to me as I grow and learn and stumble and get up and learn and grow and keep pressing forward.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Pastor Jeff

I just wanted to share some thoughts going through my head.

Jeff you are the MAN! Your sermon yesterday was incredible! Your honesty, transparency and passion only caused me to love and respect you more. It is awesome for me to sit there and watch a friend let himself be used as an instrument for God's truths. I pray you are blessed for your obedience. I know some/most of what you shared yesterday was not easy for you. Thank you for leading. Love ya bro'.

MANY times I am blown away that I get to be a part of this. That I get to be on this team. What God is doing at Element Church, well......I really don't know what to say. Mere words just seem to fall short. Indescribable!

This morning I was reflecting back on the "time-line" of the past six years of my life. And how God was putting this all together. The fact that God was working on my heart to plant a church the same time as He was Jeff's and we never talked about it to each other, well that's just a God thing. Over the years, Jeff and I have had MANY conversations in his office and home. Many! And planting a church together? Well, it just wasn't on our radar. Or was it?

Jeff and I will talk about "that day", Feb.28, 2006, until we die. Hope you guys never get tired of hearing about it.

I've been blessed to get to hear Jeff preach for five years now. May I NEVER take for granted his passion for the truth, his boldness from the pulpit, and his leadership behind the scenes.

Jeff, I got your back man. Let's Go!!
