Friday, April 27, 2007


So I've been reading an A. W. Tozer devotional and really enjoying it. Wednesday's entry has really stuck with me, and challenged me, and comforted me. To summarize, the Bible verse for the devotional was Joshua 1:5. (Joshua's calling from God). Moses was dead and it was Joshua's turn to lead the people. God told Joshua "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you." WOW. That whole concept just kind of exploded in my head and heart. The SAME God that was with your and my favorite Bible heroes is the same God that is with you and me. Again, WOW. " As I was with _____, so I will be with you."
So here I am in the middle of this great adventure of helping plant this church in Cheyenne and the same God that was with _____, is the same God that is with me. Again, WOW. I guess I always knew that but I never really thought of it in that way.
"Fear not" or "Don't be afraid" or "Be still and know that I am God" how many times are the simple yet powerful words in the Bible. Do you belive Him? Do I?
Which then brings me to the 'choose' part of this blog. It just so happens that Joshua is one of my biggest Biblical heroes. (which might explain part of why this verse has really struck a chord with me) Anyway, I love to read about Joshua and his 'great adventure'. And the book of Joshua is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Just a little over five years ago God used Joshua 24:15 to break me and bring me to my knees and make me a new creation. That day was my day to "choose" who I was going to follow.
Since that day there have been many 'choices' to be made. Some big, some small. I think the daily "small" choices are just as important as the big ones. If God can't trust with the trivual, will He trust you with the profound?
So again, "Choose you this day whom you will for me and my house we will serve the LORD." Listen. Believe. Obey.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


At the Cheyenne Association of Evangelicals meeting last week we broke up into prayer groups to end the meeting. As I was praying for the men in my group I really felt prompted to pray for men as leaders, both in the church and in the home. Since that day I've been trying to decide how to write down what I'm feeling. So here goes....
Men, YOU are the spiritual leader and protector of your home, the "gatekeeper" of the home. You are called by God to lead and protect your wife and kids, both spirutually and physically. It's not always easy or fun but it is SO important. Your family needs to see you lead. They desire to see you lead. You must make your family feel safe and secure.
So here's my big question. Where's the balance in all this? I think your family needs to see you work hard but they also need to see you "play" hard. They need to see you read your Bible but also be willing to put your Bible down to wrestle with your kids on the floor.
What about what you allow in your house. What kind of tv shows do you watch? What kind of movies do you allow or not? What do you do when one of your kids wants to go to a movie with their friends that you don't approve of? How much tv time do you allow? Then there's video games and ipods and cell phones and so on. Where's the line? I could go on and on but I think you get my point.
So where's the balance. I can't or won't tell you where it is for you, I can only tell you where it is for me. Seek God's will on this and He will be faithful to show you.
Then there's the whole dynamic of church and your leadership role there and how to balance all of that with your personal life. (I could spend all day on this part, but I'll spare you) Just please think about it, pray about it, be aware of the issue.
Men, just lead. Be willing to make the decisions BUT also be willing to listen to wise counsel, ESPECIALLY from you wife. Seek her advice and wisdom. There's a whole lot of reasons she's in your life.
Be willing and able to separate valid from invalid criticism. Be willing to make the tough decision, even when, especially when, it's not the popular decision. The right decision is STILL the right decision, popoular or not.
So where's the 'balance' in all this? Good question. I'm learning as I go just like you are.
Letting God lead, Grant

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

One of those days

Ever had one of those days? First you wake up late. Then you get to work and the truck won't start because the battery is DEAD because you left the lights on the day before and you don't even know where the battery is located on the truck because it's not your normal truck. Yes, I looked under the hood. It was actually behind this trap-door contraption about half-way down on the driver's side. Who knew. And for some reason the standard issue jumper cables that are always in the trunk of your car are NOT. So finally you find an old pair on the job site and attempt to start the old beast of a truck. Meanwhile all of your customers are waiting for their product. And oh by the way, all this is happening about 4 A.M.
Ever happened to you? Well that was my day yesterday. And, guess what, it was an awesome day. I got the truck started, my customers got their product, not one of them complianed, everything went smooth and I finished my route right on schedule.
Then last night's dinner was delicious and our church-plant team meeting was one of the best we've ever had.
So why share this story? Here's why. Through all of that, the good and the bad, God was THERE. Through it all I felt a strong prescence of the Holy Spirit. Why? I don't know. Maybe it had something to with the fact that the whole day I was humming/singing "Praise You in this storm" by Casting Crowns.
All I know is I felt like sharing.
In Christ, Grant

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Here is what has been on my heart for the last couple of days.... We had about twelve months in Gillette between when we first started telling people about our move to Cheyenne and the reason for the move(planting a church) and the actual move. As you can imagine, as I told co-workers, bosses, other vendors, store managers, un-saved friends,etc., their respones to the news were very broad. Everything from 'Huh' to 'What' to 'Why' to 'Are you nuts' and so on. All very legitiment questions and probably what I would have asked someone if the roles would have been reversed, especially before I was saved. But THE one question I was asked the most went something like this-"Won't that be risky?" My immediate reponse was "ABSOLUTELY!" Then the look on a persons face was usally one of confusion.
RISK-TAKING FAITH! When was the last time you lived that way? When was the last time you heard a sermon on it? I'm not talking about stupid risks or needless risks but living totally sold out for God and being willing to take the risks that might be involved in living that way every day.
I'm reasonably sure all us Christians have all heard this one before "The safest place to be in is the center of God's will." I've heard it several times in five years and even found myself believing it. But now I disagree. Allow me to explain. The BEST place or even the GREATEST place to be is in the center of God's will, but it is NOT always the "safest" Ask almost any Christian in the world, other than an American Christian, about safety and you'll probably get a very different answer.
How many copies of the Bible do you have? When was the last time you felt your life was in danger going to church? Shall I go on?
PLEASE , PLEASE don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to lift myself up or look down on anyone else. I'm just trying to write out what's on my heart. The first person that get's to hear my daily 'sermon' is me. I still fall short. I still stumble. But I can't imagine not being in the race. All God wants is people that will listen and obey. Here I am send me.
Guess what, most of those 'friends' and all of my biological family still think I'm nuts. SO WHAT
I hope some of this made sense. Later, Grant

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Trial and error

Out of all the staff-members at Element Church I am by far the least "techy" when it comes to computers, e-mail, blogging, cell-phones, laptops, PDA's, etc. But I'm learning, mostly through trial-and-error. I tell people alot that when I graduated high school 25 years ago in Lovell, WY. there was one computer in the school and it was in the office and one person knew how to run it. I don't know if that's completely accurate but it does show how far we have come in such a short time. I will say all this technology fascinates me and I will catch up. Enough about that....
I will share more of my story later. Let me just say I'm VERY excited to be in Cheyenne and be part of this church-plant team. Can't wait to see what God is going to do next.