Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Dash

So here I sit, one day after Christmas. The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. And in my devotions I'm reading about Jesus' death. What struck me was this: The contrast between these two stories and how awesome and powerful and VERY well known they both are. BUT, what about all the stories in between. What about all the things that Jesus did between His birth and death. What about those stories? As I've talked about before, I love to read and meditate on the lesser known (or at least the lesser talked about) passages in the Bible about Jesus' ministry. As Jeff talks about, we can kind of just pass by these incredible stories and totally miss what they meant then and what they mean to us here in 2007.

Then this thought: What about you and me? What are we doing between our birth and death. Go to any cemetery and look at any gravestone and what do you see? You see the "pertinent" info--the name, date of arrival, date of death, etc. BUT what you don't see is what I think is most important information. And that is this-- What did that person do with their "dash"? That little dash-mark on the stone between their birth and death is what I want to know about. I want to what they did with their life-- their "dash". What is their story, ESPECIALLY their God story?

So, again, what about you and me? What are we doing with OUR dash. Five, ten, even fifty years from now, what are people going to say we did, or are doing, with our lives?

In the future, when people look back on the "history" of Cheyenne and Element Church, I don't want them to say or think " Wow, look what so-and-so did." Or even "Wow look what Element Church did" I want them to say this--"Wow, look what GOD did in Cheyenne!" "Look at what God can do with and through people that simply obey and then go do."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


One of the pastor's blogs that I follow was talking about not getting complacent and comfortable in our life. He was telling how as a teenager he used to work at a fireworks stand and as a result is almost numb to the power and beauty of fireworks. He then paralleled that concept to the Christian life and how we can so easily become complacent. How we can take for granted ALL that God has done for us and is continuing to do.

So it got me thinking about my own life and what in my life would be my version of working in a fireworks stand. What is my version of "stopping to smell the roses"? And then it hit me--sunrises. I LOVE sunrises. The beauty, the splendor, the amazing colors just take my breath away. But... how easily I can take them for granted. In my sixteen years with Frito-Lay I have seen almost six thousand sunrises. Six thousand! Yet how easily I can just assume that tomorrow the sun will come up again and it will be beautiful and I can just go on living my life.

I never want to to that. I never want to be that man that takes all that God has done for me and treat it like yesterday's news. Where I've come from, where I'm at, and where God is taking me IS a miracle. May I never forget that. May you.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Random Thoughts

Just some thoughts that have been on my heart.......

--Our volunteers at Element Church ROCK! Seriously they are amazing. Sometimes on Sunday morning I take a moment and just stand back and watch and listen. I am blown away. I know Jeff and Adam feel the same way. I could, and probably should, go on. But I really just wanted to say to those of you that volunteer at Element--THANK YOU! I hope God blesses you as much as you are a blessing to me and others. I have received many compliments about our First Impressions team (ushers and greeters). We have actually had people tell us that the reason they came back to Element Church is because someone said "Hi" to them and made them feel welcome. WOW.

--A personal journal entry the other day went something like this---" I will continue to write down in this book my concerns, my victories, my frustrations, my praises, etc. BUT this morning I really feel God saying 'Grant, just PRAY' " Then I was reminded of a blog from another pastor I had recently read---"God again reminded me that He can do way more with my simple obedience than I can do in a lifetime of planning" So simple. Just pray and obey.

--I will try to blog more. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out that other people actually read them. I hope it helps. It does help me to collect my thoughts and type them out.


Thursday, November 22, 2007


Soooo much to be thankful for. Obvious ones are salvation, the Gospel, the Bible, family, friends, health, my calling, my job, etc. Sooo much to be thankful for!

Today I'm going to talk about my family---specifically my wife and my two sons.

Let's start with my two sons Morgan and Nathan. Boys, if you are reading this--I LOVE YOU and am extremely proud of you! You are both amazing young men that have met Jesus and let Him guide and shape who you are. The fact that I get to be a part in the process of guiding and teaching you is both humbling and empowering. You are both HUGE blessings in my life.

Every Sunday, Morgan and Nathan start their day before 6 AM. That's what time they need to be up and rolling to help Element Church happen on Sunday morning. What is the average (I hesitate to use the word average, couldn't think of a better word and chances are if your reading this your kids aren't "average" either) kid doing in America at 6 AM on Sunday morning. Most of them are NOT getting out of bed to go help Mom and Dad and the rest of the team set up for church. I tell them all the time how proud I am of them, how much I love them, and how vital they are to what we do on Sunday. Morgan plays bass guitar on the praise band and Nathan is the light tech, but they both do so much more than that on Sunday's. I hope they know how vital they are to the team and know that they ARE making a difference in God's Kingdom.

Now let's talk about my wife, Terri Lynn. WOW. Where to begin? Terri Lynn, I LOVE and CHERISH YOU!

You are an amazing wife, mother, friend, help-meet, but MOST importantly you have a HUGE heart for the LORD. How you have supported and encouraged me since ( and before) we got the call on our lives to move to Cheyenne and help plant Element Church is priceless. Thank you! I am the man I am today because of YOU. Thank You! You were the first one in our family to meet the LORD. I was the last. Those years between those two events were not easy I'm sure. Thank you for staying the course, fighting the good fight, and having everyone praying for me. I hope that in some small way the man and husband God is shaping me into is your reward for all those years.

In my opinion, one of the "watershed" moments in every man's life is this---the moment that he finally comes to the realization what a HUGE blessing and gift from God his wife is. It was for me anyway. The day I realized what a precious and priceless gift Terri Lynn is, well let's just say I've never been the same. I believe that women are the "crown-jewel" of God's creation. Sadly , so many times they are not treated that way.

I almost missed it. The fact that my wife is a gift not a possession. Someone to be cherished not bossed around. When I see other men "out there" who have yet to figure this out, well honestly, I want to kick them and hug them. OK, I want to kick them first to get there attention and then hug and encourage them to get it right. Then I have to remember that I too was once like them, so then I try to remember to love them where they're at and pray for them.

I want to end by thanking God for all that He has done in my life and all He is continuing to do with and through me. I am truly AMAZED! Thank You LORD!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finding Where I Fit

In the short life of Element Church and my short time as one of it's leaders I have learned something very powerful. Let me start by saying that I take no credit for the idea or concept as being "original" . I'm sure I learned it on a blog or in a book or somewhere else. But it has been huge for me.
It has to do with when I am trying to help someone find where they "fit" at Element Church when it comes to serving. The conversation usually goes something like this---
Bob (not his real name) approaches me and tells me he wants to serve. Usually Bob will ask me what we need. My response- "Bob I appreciate your willingness to serve, and to serve where we need you, but I first want to know what your passionate about or where you feel called" Bob-"What?" I continue-" Here's what I know, if your serving in an area that you love or even feel called to, then it will show on your face. The reverse is also true. If your serving somewhere just to fill a hole then that too will show on your face. So tell me first what you LOVE and we'll see where that fits in what we do."
Many times I have seen "Bob's" whole demeanor change. From one of "duty" to one of enthusiasm.
I can not tell how freeing this has been for me and for our awesome volunteers. Already I have witnessed many people take total ownership of their role and make it better and more powerful then I could have. I truly believe that when people find where they fit it totally allows them to be who they were created to be.
Now let me say that like any other rule there is always the exception. I have also seen someone hesitate when challenged to get out of their comfort zone, when it comes to filling a role or a need, only to see that person totally embrace that new role when they find that they actually enjoy it. All they really needed is someone to ask them and believe in them and help them along the way.
I think back to when Jeff first asked me to work with the youth. At first, I really didn't think it was for me. Looking back, those years were HUGE for me! I was the one being blessed by my willingness to serve. I was the one that was learning and maturing every Wednesday getting to hear Jeff preach. I was the one getting shaped for something more. I can't imagine not having that part of my story.
So what does the church need? My opinion--the church needs people totally sold out for Jesus that are willing to "serve", whatever that looks like in their lives. So find where you fit and GO FOR IT!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


A couple of years ago I was listening to one of my favorite "radio" pastors and he made a statement that has stuck with me. To me it was challenging and exciting all at the same time. His question/challenge went something like this--"Are you simply reading the Book of Acts or are you believing and living the Book of Acts?" Wow. He went on to ask if your simply reading the Bible or are you living the Bible. That really challenged me. When I'm reading the Bible what am I thinking. Do I believe the God of the Bible lives today? Or is it just a bunch of stories that was good for it's time and those things can't really happen today.

Well, I don't know about you, but I BELIEVE! The same God that performed all those signs and miracles IS the same God that LIVES today!

The other day I was at a pastor's prayer meeting and I felt God direct me to the Book of Acts. In particular Chapter 2;41,47. Verse 47 ends with this statement--"And the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved." I believe!

I believe God desires to add to His numbers daily. I believe God desires to add DAILY those in Cheyenne who are being saved. I believe it. I've seen it. But here's the catch--I believed it BEFORE I saw it happen. I have been praying, and will continue to pray, daily for those that are lost to find LIFE in Jesus Christ.

One of the blogging pastors that I've really connected with recently talked about that very thing. Read it. Hope it challenges you and encourages you like it did me.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Almost here

It's almost here. Sunday we officially "launch". It's been nineteen months. WOW.

February 28th (about 11 A.M.)2006 is the first time Jeff and I first talked about this. So I've been thinking a lot about some of the events since that moment. I'll share a few key ones---

Later that night, I told Terri Lynn in the car on the way to a basketball game. So here's Jeff and Sabrina and Terri Lynn and myself all about to bust at the seams with excitment and we trying very hard to act "normal" because no one else knows. I don't remember who we played, if we won, any of the details. Other than being TOTALLY excited.

Then there was the morning we told the boys. We let them stay home from school(at least for the morning). We let them sleep in, cooked them breakfast, then broke the news to them. My boys went from being "normal" kids in school and youth to being pastor's kids. And let me say that they have been AWESOME. Most of the labels and pressures that go with being a "PK" are NOT fair, but that's another blog for another day.

Then there was the time I told my father-in-law (Big T). We sat in his Tyson truck on our sidestreet at our house in Gillette and shared some smiles, some excitement and some tears. He kept saying "That's GREAT". I don't think he even made it out of our subdivision before he called Jan (my mother-in-law) and told her.

Then there was the time I told my parents. Let's just say it went "different" from when I told my in-laws.

I/We have been to many seminars and classes and read many books and have learned a ton. SO much I could share, and maybe I will later.

So I've had all these thoughts and memories going through my mind, and in my normal devotions I came across some very powerfull words(at least for me).

I'm in the Book of Zechariah. Yesterday I read Chapter 8. Some bullet points--"I am consumed with passion for my people" says the LORD, "Be strong and finish the task" says the LORD, "All this may seem impossible to you, but is anything impossible for Me?" Says the LORD, "I will rescue them and they will be my people" say the LORD, and finally "And they will say 'Please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you' ". WOW.!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Maybe it's because I'm a visual learner, maybe it's because I'm a man, maybe it's because I'm human, I don't know why, but I do know that God uses analogies to teach me truths about Himself and about His will for my life and His will for other people around me. Over the years I've been given many. Some have helped me understand and/or cope with a situation at that very moment, others have helped me years down the road. Anyway, I can't begin to understand it all but I do know that I'm supposed to share what I've learned.

Some of the analogies are "original" ideas that God plants directly in my heart. Others originate from conversations with other people, or something I read, or a song, etc. and then the idea or concept of the analogy just explodes and expands in my mind and heart. The analogy I'm going to share today actually came from a conversation I had with my awesome wife, Terri Lynn.

If you've ever driven on I-90 from Gillette, WY to Rapid City, SD then you know that just east of Moorcroft Wyoming you can look off to the north and see Devil's Tower National Monument. And yes, you can get a glimpse of it's beauty and splendor as your bombing down the intersate at 80 or...... you can slow down, get off the beaten path, take the road less taken, invest some time, even some money, and then you can TRULY enjoy it. that how you and I treat God?

Are we so busy doing "important" tasks as we're bombing down the highway of life that we just catch a passing glimpse of God. Or, are we slowing down, taken the road less taken, investing time and money to truly enjoy God. I know I'm guilty.

Countless times I have had to "convince" someone that just getting a glimpse of the tower isn't enough. That they need to take the afternoon to do it right. Every time when they get to the foot of the tower their first word is "Wow". By the end of the drive it's usually "Thank you for taking me there" or something similar.

So am I willing to do whatever it takes to experience ALL that God has for me? Am I willing to do whatever it takes to get to the feet of God so I can look up and truly enjoy ALL of God's beauty and splendor and majesty. Or am I giong to settle for less.

So what if I have to get out of my comfort zone. So what if I have to sacrifice. So what if it costs me some time and money. So what if it costs me EVERYHTING. All that I have, all that I am, and all that I ever hope to be, I got from Him anyway. Right. So what!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


If you've been following Pastor Jeff's blog, you know that occasionally he will have a nightmare about an upcoming service or event. Among all of the many leadership "skills" of his that have rubbed off on me, this one has also.

It went something like this---It's Sunday, it's one of our preview services, it's the time of the service when I'm doing the announcements and the welcoming and we have a audio-visual meltdown. Nothings working right, no audio and no video, except for my mic and Jeff's mic. Ben and Adam are drastically trying to fix everything, or anything. Ben keeps pushing the "fire" button on the laptop to show the welcoming video and Adam is checking connections and cables. Nothing is working. So.... Jeff and I improvise. He joins me on stage and we engage in small talk. It went something like---"How you doing?", "Good", "You", "Good", "How's the wife and kids?", "Good", "Yours", "Good" "How'd your team do?" "Yours?"...... you get the picture. Most of our core people were kind of chuckling because they knew this wasn't normal. Our first time guests were just kind of looking at each other and thinking "OK, this is interesting". (remember it's a dream so I know what people are thinking) Then, as soon as Jeff and I wrap up our "engaging" conversation and start to walk off the stage, the video starts playing. Then everybody lost it.

Well I'm reporting this post-preview and I'm happy to say that none of this actually happened. In fact, everything went very smooth last Sunday.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Props to my Peeps

Ok, I'm too old or not near cool enough to talk that way. But it's all that I could think of to type to say this....

I really want to publicaly compliment and thank my teamates for their hard work and diligence.

Jeff and Adam and Keenan have all put in MANY hours the last couple of weeks (most of it in their "spare" time) to get a video done for our launch. I know this because I was involved in just a small portion of it.

Their passion and vision and diligence as they worked on this project has been inspiring to watch. It's awesome to watch someone take their gifts and use them for the Kingdom. Isn't that what we're here for---to take our God-given gifts and abilities and give them away so other people can be blessed.

And let me not forget to give props to Terri Lynn, who held down the fort while the guys were out filming.

Let me say again, I love our team.

Let me also say, thank you to Sabrina and Amber and Katrina for your patience and support of your husbands!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What's Different?

In the last couple of weeks I've attended two weddings on successive Fridays. I'll try to explain the best I can the similarities and the differences.

First the things that were similar. (most of these will be obvious) There was the chapel, the beautiful bride, the nervous groom, the flowers, the vows, the tears, etc..

Now the differences----wedding #1- Well it's actually kind of hard to explain. The ceremony was just kind of formality. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of joy in the room. As best I know, the groom has been viewed over the years as the rebel of the family. So there was almost this sense of disappointment in the air. Maybe the wedding was a mistake, I don't know, only time will tell. However, I felt it very important for me to be there to show my support. He is my nephew after all and I know what he's going through.

#2 wedding was awesome! From the moment I walked in the chapel, the night before the wedding, I just felt God's blessings all over this ceremony. It was SO obvious that this was meant to be and these were two people living out their God-given purposes for their lives. This was a step on that jouney. The Spirit was definitely present and "heavy" throughout the whole ceremony. I felt it was as if God was blessing and annointing two of His obedient children. I walked away a changed man. I could go on but I think you get the picture.

So.... Why the difference? Well to me it was obvious. The first wedding was a Mormon wedding and the second was a Christian wedding. Need I say more? No. But I'm sure I'll revisit this subject again.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Too Busy?

I know one of the reasons God has me in Cheyenne is because of the military presence here. I love going onto the Air Force base and meeting the people and engaging them in conversations. I've always been fascinated with the whole military lifestyle. Terri Lynn says I should have been in the miltary. I say I am, I'm in the army of God.

While I enjoy talking to currently serving people, I LOVE talking to the generations that have gone before me and listening to their stories! Before I go any further, let me say that some veterans won't or can't talk about their experiences. I understand that. But I think more will than won't, they've just never been asked the right way. People can sense when you're being genuine. Now I also understand that not everyone is a "natural" at talking to a complete stanger in a grocery store. You know what, neither was I at first. It was something I had to be intentional at getting better at. When you work for and with the public, you'll either get comfortable or it will eat you up. All those years for me in the public, good and bad, have done nothing but totally prepare for this moment. Imagine that. Think God has a plan.

Anyway, the other day I was working away in Walmart and I met "Jim". Jim was shopping alone, was somewhat frail, and had very arthritic hands. First I helped Jim find the Velveeta and the Ritz and some salsa. Then I felt the Spirit prompt me to talk to him. So I introduced myself to him gently shook his hand and asked him this question--"So Jim, tell me about your wartime experience". (Let me say that I don't recommend that as a "normal" first question) Jim looked up, looked me in the eye, and asked me to repeat the question. So I did. Now I won't give you all the details about the next five minutes of conversation. Let me just I was as blessed by it as he was. But I will tell you some--

--it was during the Korean War, he was in the Navy, and he did his duty and served his country proudly. Then he told me how most of buddies, his "family", had gotten "wiped-out" and he hadn't. Then he made this satement--"I've always felt guilty about that!" WOW. I knew my next words would be vital. I looked him right in the eye and said "Jim, it's not your fault, it's NOT your fault!" Then he took a deep breath and you could just see the pain release as he exhaled. We looked at each other through a couple of tears. He thanked me, I thanked him and then he was gone. Jim had been carrying that burden for over fifty years.

Why share that story? Well I could go many different directions with this but here is my point. How many times have you and I missed moments like that because we thought we were too "busy"? Now I know life can be crazy and busy and intense. Many times I have been so focused on the goal, the task at hand, the accomplishment, the point A to pont B kind of thinking that I have totally missed the ministry opportunity right in front of me.

The Bible is full of stories of when Jesus was going from point A to B yet He stopped an healed and blessed and ministered to the people right in front of Him. One of my favorite songs on the Lifesongs CD by Casting Crowns is "Set me free". It talks about exactly that. Jesus was on His way to Gerasenes and yet stopped to "set-free" a demon-possesed man.

Honestly, I was a little busy that day in Walmart. Yet all it took was five minutes of my time to help Jim begin to be "set free" from years of holding in the guilt and pain. May you and I always not be too busy for moments such as this.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Second Preview


Yesterday was our second "preview" service at the theater. It went great. A couple of bumps in the road, but that's why we do previews, right.
We already have an amazing group of volunteers! We have people that have already decided that Element is going to be their home church and they want to help and serve. How cool is that? There are people that are looking to me for leadership. ME? That is VERY humbling and VERY exciting all at the same time. Man, do I need to grow!
The worship sounded great, the drama was powerful, the video was convicting (at least to me), and Jeff's sermon tied it all together.
A BIG thank you to all of you that are praying for us.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pray More

Has it ever struck you as almost odd that Jesus prayed? I mean HE IS JESUS! Right. He shouldn't need to pray. But yet, He did. At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed. In Gethsemane, Jesus prayed. On the Cross, Jesus prayed. All very well known passages. Right.

I like finding the lesser known times when Jesus prayed. In Matthew 14 there are some amazing stories and miracles. The chapter starts with the death of John the Baptist, then Jesus feeds the five thousand, then Jesus walks on water, and the chapter ends with Jesus healing people at Gennesaret. All incredible stories and worthy of many, many sermons and blogs, but almost hidden amongst all that great stuff are two powerful verses. Powerful to me anyway.
Matthew 14:13b says-"Jesus left in a boat to a remote area to be alone" Later in verse 23 it says " Jesus went up into the hills by himself to pray" WOW!

Jesus would purposefully go to be alone and pray! I mean, He already knew what was going to happen next and yet, He prayed. Talk about leading by example.

I know there have been many times I have viewed prayer as a duty or a right and it is NOT. Prayer IS a priviledge and an honor! You are talking to the God of the universe.

I can't tell you how many times I've written in my journal (yes I said it -"my journal") that I need to pray more. Do I mean it or not? As a man and a husband and a father and a leader I need to find my "cave" and be alone and PRAY more.

Listening to God, Grant

P.S. Those of you that are praying for us, and I know that there are many of you, THANK YOU! Your prayers are much needed and much appreciated!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Random Thoughts II

Some random thoughts from the week....

--I miss my Dad. I was watching the U.S Air Force Thunderbirds F-16 fighter jets perform on Wed. from the deck of our house. It was a perfect spot. They flew directly over my head several times. About half way through the show, I thought, my Dad would have LOVED this. He loved anything to do with aviation, from a single engine cessna to the space shuttle, he loved to talk about it. As far as I know he never got to see anything close to what I saw Wed. I think he would have liked Cheyenne , there is always aircraft in the air, be it commercial private or military.

--I need to call my Mom more!

--I love Cheyenne! Especially the "southside". Of all the staff members from Element Church, we are the only ones living in the southern part of the city. Trust me when I say this is NOT by accident. This is excatly where God wants us. I love it here. We love our house and KNOW this is where we are supposed to be.

--I just called my Mom.

--My wife is AWESOME!

--I LOVE being in the ministry.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Ted Nugent and The Gospel

Ok, stay with me here. This blog made sense in my head so hopefully it makes sense on paper.
God can use ordinary everyday occurrences to teach profound truths about Himself, at least He does with me. As most of you know, I work for Frito-Lay which means I see hundreds of people on a normal day. If I'm paying attention, usually I can learn something from just watching people and listening to what they say.
Anyway, it's Frontier Day's here in Cheyenne, and that means that there are several concerts scheduled throughout the timeframe. The first one was last Friday and it was Bon Jovi. All day people were talking about it ( a pretty big-name act for Cheyenne), some were excited others weren't. Almost everyone had an opinion and, as is normal, were more than willing to share said opinion. As people were discussing it in the back of a grocery store, one dude piped up and basically yelled out "I ain't going, I ain't never going to another concert out there. Ted Nugent ruined it for me!" Then he went on to explain that last year Ted used the platform of a rock concert to strongly share his politcal views on gun-control and all that goes along with that.
(Personal Discalimer: I was not there, so I don't know if that is really what happened. I'm merely sharing one guys opinion of the events. Nor am I going to use this blog to discuss how I feel about Mr. Nugent, except to eventually get to my whole point for this blog.)
Just moments before that I had witnessed a VERY BAD example of someone's attempt to tell people about Jesus. The best way I could describe it would be that it was almost like a drive-by shooting: four people in a car, stalking people in a grocery store parking lot, drive up to an unsupsecting "victim", jump out and shove a tract in their hand, jump back in and drive away. This particular "victim" was a mother with three young kids who was trying to wrestle the kids and the groceries into the car all at the same time. What do you think she did with the tract?
Anyway, I had all these thoughts going through my head about what I had seen and heard in the last ten minutes and I silently asked myself one huge question-- "Is that me?" When I'm trying to show or tell someone about how much God loves them, how am I doing?
Am I handing out invite card just for the sake of handing them out? Do people sense that I believe in what I'm doing and that I really do love Jesus and want them to also. Or do they feel like the lastest "victim" of a drive-by. Am I showing them what God can do in someone's life more than I'm telling them. (Actions speak louder than words.)
OR, am I viewed as one of those radicals like some people view Ted. Now I'm sure that he made some very good points that night and most of what he said was true BUT he probably did more damage than good. Like my friend said "I went there to listen to him play his hit songs, not get a lecture on how people are trying to steal our freedom". Is that me? Even if what I say to someone is true and Biblically sound, if it's done wrong it does more harm than good. If I use my "platform" or my "stage" or even my "title" as some form of power-trip to show how much I know or how much better I am than you, then even if I'm right, I'm wrong.
I'm reminded of a conversation I had with a friend of mine back in Gillette. He was struggling, had sin in his life, his marriage was falling apart, etc. He came to me for advice and that is not what he got. What he got was a lecture. What I said was true and even Biblical BUT it did more harm than good. It was a moment to shine, instead I tarnished the name of Jesus.

Learning & Growing,


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Great Day

Today was a great day at Element Church. Jeff is gone to a youth camp in Montana so he asked me to "pinch-hit" today. It's been a while since I've preached. And the last times were to the youth group back in Gillette. This time I was going to be in front of adults, and like all previous "Unplugged" Sundays I expected new faces. There were!
The topic Jeff asked me to preach on was the core-value of "family" and the essential- ministery of "Lifegroups".(that's what we are calling our small group ministry-LIFEGROUPS) A couple of weeks ago I had a rough-draft for my sermon written out and a direction I wanted to go. THEN... well then God gave me a verse that totally fit both topics. (Romans 12:9-16) I love the book of Romans, and have read it several times. So obviously I have read that passage before. BUT... well this time was one of those powerfull moments when the words just leap of the page. I actually sat there almost stunned. I really felt it fit perfectly. The very next morning I read in my devotions- "when called to preach, preach what God wants not what you want"! OK! Got it! Back to square one.
Now my sermon was going to focus on the concept of "unconditional love"and how that should look and be lived out in the family, in a Lifegroup, in our church, in the church, and in Cheyenne-"Don't just pretend to love someone, really love them."
This morning I felt prepared, confident in what God had given me, and totally pumped. (Terri Lynn and I were joking last night that we needed to rig some sort of seat-belt on the the "preaching stool" to keep me in one place-I pace when I talk-especially when I'm pumped)
I felt the sermon went well. Hopefully it helped someone. I know I learn a ton and I am ALWAYS challenged in my own walk when I'm preparing a message. I'll never forget what I learned this time around.
Anyway, as much as I enjoyed this experience, Pastor Jeff is MORE than welcome to have the stool back next week. And I'll sit and listen and grow and serve and look forward to my next time to "pinch-hit". I'm excited to see what Element Church will look like then!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I Can't Help It

Maybe I just want my own blog or maybe it's just a phase I'm going through, but I can't help but write this awesome story. In case you haven't guessed, this isn't Grant writing, but his wife Terri Lynn. He said I could be his "guest blogger" tonight.
Anyway, Grant went over to our neighbors house to invite Brian to go golfing this Friday. While he was there, they had some company-one of Brian's co-workers. They introduced them to Grant and the conversation turned to Element Church and how much Brian and Jennifer are liking it. The gal looked at Grant and said, "Element Church? That sounds so familiar. Oh, I know! You guys did the gas buy down!" She said she still has our connections card that we handed out that day and will now plan to come check out our church! Do you think she would come had Grant not gone over to visit? I doubt it. I guess that's why Grant is the Connections Pastor!
Now here's what I find amazing.... God orchestrated that meeting long ago. He has had Element Church in His mind long before we ever even thought about it. There have been so many "chance" happenings since the moment we moved to Cheyenne. But we know it's not chance or coincidence- but rather all part of God's perfect plan! All I can say is God is amazing and Grant, you're the man! and I'm so proud of my husband!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Random Thoughts

One of the pastors that I follow his blog will occasionaly post a blog called "Mindless Dump". He got the title from another pastor who titled his "Mind Dump". It usually consists of some thoughts that they need to get off their brain so they can move on. I'm going to attempt the same thing. (Hopefully mine will fall somewhere in the middle between "mind' and "mindless") Maybe I'll call mine "Random Thoughts". Here goes....
1) This Sunday is our first preview service. Can't wait. Church in a movie theater. Who da' thunk it? People's first chance to get a feel for what Element Church is going to be all about. If there's 5 or 500 it's going to be AWESOME.
2) My job takes me onto the Air Force base twice a week and EVERY time I go out there I just know that we are supposed to someday do something to serve those people. Can't wait to see that day.
3)I LOVE hanging around other pastors that have a heart for the lost of this city. You can really tell the ones that are here to make a difference for the Kingdom from the ones that are just going through the motions. May I ALWAYS be the former.
4)Have I mentioned that I love the team I'm on?
5) Have I mentioned that Sunday is our first preview service?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What More Could A Man Ask For?

I am a blessed man! Two recent events have really brought that point home in my life. Of course, last Sunday was Father's Day. The day before that, June 16th, was also signifigant in my life, an "anniversary" day. These two dates really got me thinking about where I am in my life.
Let's start with my wife, Terri Lynn. She has been in my life for 23 years. We met on June 16th, 1984, when I was twenty. So that means she's been in my life more than half my life. WOW. Mere words on a page fall miserably short when trying to express how totally blessed I am to have her. She is an amazing wife and mother. I could continue to list all of her attributes but I'll list just one more. MOST important of all is she has a incredible walk with the LORD! She has always been willing to follow God's will for her life. And I believe God has blessed her because of her obedience. I could, and probably should, go on and on.
Now let's talk about Father's Day. My two teenage sons, Morgan and Nathan, asked me what I wanted as a gift. My response "Nothing". Then I continued with "Well, not nothing. What I want I already have. What I want for Father's Day is to know that my children are walkng with the LORD and I know that they are so what more could I ask for?"
The LORD has also chosen to totally bless me with amazing men of God that I can call both friends and co-workers. The staff that God has assembled for Element Church is a total blessing in my life. As I continue to get to know them better and listen to their passion for God and for the lost of this city, my love and respect for them only grows.
So, here I am on this great adventure of helping plant a church. I have an awesome wife, incredible kids, great friends, and a relationship with the living God.
So I ask again--"What more could a man ask for?"

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Coaches and Teammates

I couldn't be on a better team. I could fill up pages telling how God worked in everybody's lives to make them part of this team. I love being around my teammates. I love praying, working, growing, serving and dreaming with them. We also have alot of fun.
God has also put some incredible coaches in my life. Like any good coach they encourage me, empower me, uplift me, but most importantly they challenge me. Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend".
That's who I want to hang around. People who are "sharp" in their walk with God. Who are living surrendered lives, who are willing to ask the tough questions, who's actions speak louder than their words. I want people in my life that will run beside me as I chase after God and all that He has for my life. As "teammates" we all have different gifts and abilities that enhance the power of the team. We all can't be the quaterback. A team needs people that are willing to block and tackle also.
God wants to put you on a "team" somewhere. Please just trust Him. I believe God wouldn't have totally blessed me with awesome teammates and coaches if I wouldn't have been willing to give up my old ones from "back in the day".

Thursday, May 31, 2007


If you've been following Jeff's blog at you know we had a huge Memorial Day weekend. There are many things I could write about the weekend but there is something I HAVE to post.
The idea for a 'gas buy down' was given to us about a year ago at church-plant boot camp. Since that time it was something we thought about, talked about, prayed about, etc. As time went by we decided to "go for it". So......the leg work started. We targeted possible locations, chose a date, printed a flyer, made phone calls, talked to people, made more phone calls. Finally the location and date were secured. Then there was more work to be done. The media and law enforcement were contacted, more on-site planning, more phone calls made, more details to work out. Then...
Well then the day arrived and it was awesome and crazy and fun all mixed together. The day was a busy one for me because I also worked before and after the event. So it was pretty much a day of constant on-the-go from sunup to sundown. Not alot of time to think just act. Then the next morning this thought hit me HARD.
All the planning, praying, talking,working, calling, and preparing and the event could have been a total bust with out the AWESOME group of volunteers. There is no way we could have pulled this off with just the pastoral staff, we HAD to have volunteers.
This was my FIRST event on this side of ministry,my first event as part of a pastoral staff. God had to provide volunteers, and boy did He ever. So if your reading this and you were one, THANK YOU!
When you hear a leader of a ministry thank his volunteers and tell them that they are an answer to prayer that is exactly what they are. People that are willing to serve ARE an answer to prayer. So again, thank you for being obedient. Thank you for freely giving of your time. Thank you for helping us serve the people of Cheyenne. God uses volunteers just like you every day to do His kingdom work.

Friday, May 18, 2007

What I learned from a tabloid

Walking by the tabloids in the grocery store the other day, a thought struck me. President Bush graced the cover of the most famous(or should I say infamous)tabloid for the umpteenth time. Here's the thought: If Pres. Bush spent all of his time defending himself every time someone through garbage at him, he wouldn't have any time to run the country. If he let all the junk constantly distact him he would lose his effectiveness. If he spent all, or most, of his time worrying about his critics he wouldn't have time for anything else. OK, get my point?
So what about you and me?
That same week I had a week where I got my fair share of garbage thrown at me. So how am I going to react? How are you? The ONLY way to never have any critics, to never get any insults thrown your way, is to do absolutely NOTHING. If your trying to accomplish anything at all, especially if it's for God, you ARE going to have your critics. I believe the difference is in how you choose to react.
Peter is one of my heroes. Ya I know he stuck his foot in his mouth, ALOT. And I've heard alot of preachers bash him over the years. But I tend to look at things a little differently. Let's look at the famous Bible story of when Jesus walked on water. Who was willing to get out of the boat? Peter. What were the other disciples doing? They were in the boat too. But Peter was the ONLY one brave enough step out on faith. Ya I know he sunk, I know he 'failed'. But I don't think he did. Did Peter have his ctritics? Absolutley. Still does. But at least he was doing something. At least he was chasing after God.
So again, what about us? God has been working HUGE in my life when it comes to being able to seperate the valid and invalid criticism. Proverbs says that only a fool will not accept criticism. But also it is foolish to waste your productive time on non-productive things. So where's the balance? Good question.

It all started

A recent conversation with Jeff sparked a chain of thoughts in my brain. We were talking about the 'timeline' of events that led to God calling me to be part of the Element Church plant team, more specificaly the people that God used in the process. And maybe that's my point. I know that it is God who prepares the heart and it is God who makes the call but I also KNOW that God uses ordinary people like me and you in the lives of other people. I could fill up pages talking about 'divine appointments' in my life and how they changed me. Some,maybe most, of the time I didn't realize that that was what was happening, other times were crystal clear.
Which then leads me to my main point or should I say my main question. When did all this start? It would be easy to say this all started when I got saved or when my wife got saved or when I accepted my first 'role' in the church or when....... and so on. Though I can point to specific events and how huge those were in my life, I think it all started before that.
Now is the moment I could overstate the obvious and say that it all started in Genesis 1, or even before that. While that is certainly true, that is not my point. (yes, I actually have a point)
I would say that for me it all started with both of my wife's Grandmas. I don't know when either of them became Christians. But I know that when they became parents they prayed for their kids and I KNOW that they prayed for their grandkids. I know they prayed for Terri Lynn. I know they prayed for me. I know they both love the Lord with all their heart.
So I guess for me this all started about 60 to 70 years ago. What about you? Who prayed for you? How easy it is to give up, to stop praying, to lose hope, to become impatient with people and with God.
A friend of mine recently shared a personal story with me. He was talking with his Dad on the eve of his Dad's baptism. (the father had gotten saved much later in life) Anyway, my friend's Dad told my friend that he KNEW that one of the reasons that he had gotten saved and then baptized was because his son had been praying for him for 25 years. WOW.
So what's your story. How long have people been praying for you? How long have you been praying for someone? NEVER give up. Please. There's people like me that will be eternally grateful.
Man I love God.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

So I woke up this morning thinking I would try to write something profound about and to mothers. Then... well then I decided to read what someone else wrote and decided I couldn't say it any better than that.(if you want to, go to and read what he wrote about moms) So... to all you Moms out there Happy Mother's Day and God bless you all for ALL you do.

Friday, April 27, 2007


So I've been reading an A. W. Tozer devotional and really enjoying it. Wednesday's entry has really stuck with me, and challenged me, and comforted me. To summarize, the Bible verse for the devotional was Joshua 1:5. (Joshua's calling from God). Moses was dead and it was Joshua's turn to lead the people. God told Joshua "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you." WOW. That whole concept just kind of exploded in my head and heart. The SAME God that was with your and my favorite Bible heroes is the same God that is with you and me. Again, WOW. " As I was with _____, so I will be with you."
So here I am in the middle of this great adventure of helping plant this church in Cheyenne and the same God that was with _____, is the same God that is with me. Again, WOW. I guess I always knew that but I never really thought of it in that way.
"Fear not" or "Don't be afraid" or "Be still and know that I am God" how many times are the simple yet powerful words in the Bible. Do you belive Him? Do I?
Which then brings me to the 'choose' part of this blog. It just so happens that Joshua is one of my biggest Biblical heroes. (which might explain part of why this verse has really struck a chord with me) Anyway, I love to read about Joshua and his 'great adventure'. And the book of Joshua is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Just a little over five years ago God used Joshua 24:15 to break me and bring me to my knees and make me a new creation. That day was my day to "choose" who I was going to follow.
Since that day there have been many 'choices' to be made. Some big, some small. I think the daily "small" choices are just as important as the big ones. If God can't trust with the trivual, will He trust you with the profound?
So again, "Choose you this day whom you will for me and my house we will serve the LORD." Listen. Believe. Obey.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


At the Cheyenne Association of Evangelicals meeting last week we broke up into prayer groups to end the meeting. As I was praying for the men in my group I really felt prompted to pray for men as leaders, both in the church and in the home. Since that day I've been trying to decide how to write down what I'm feeling. So here goes....
Men, YOU are the spiritual leader and protector of your home, the "gatekeeper" of the home. You are called by God to lead and protect your wife and kids, both spirutually and physically. It's not always easy or fun but it is SO important. Your family needs to see you lead. They desire to see you lead. You must make your family feel safe and secure.
So here's my big question. Where's the balance in all this? I think your family needs to see you work hard but they also need to see you "play" hard. They need to see you read your Bible but also be willing to put your Bible down to wrestle with your kids on the floor.
What about what you allow in your house. What kind of tv shows do you watch? What kind of movies do you allow or not? What do you do when one of your kids wants to go to a movie with their friends that you don't approve of? How much tv time do you allow? Then there's video games and ipods and cell phones and so on. Where's the line? I could go on and on but I think you get my point.
So where's the balance. I can't or won't tell you where it is for you, I can only tell you where it is for me. Seek God's will on this and He will be faithful to show you.
Then there's the whole dynamic of church and your leadership role there and how to balance all of that with your personal life. (I could spend all day on this part, but I'll spare you) Just please think about it, pray about it, be aware of the issue.
Men, just lead. Be willing to make the decisions BUT also be willing to listen to wise counsel, ESPECIALLY from you wife. Seek her advice and wisdom. There's a whole lot of reasons she's in your life.
Be willing and able to separate valid from invalid criticism. Be willing to make the tough decision, even when, especially when, it's not the popular decision. The right decision is STILL the right decision, popoular or not.
So where's the 'balance' in all this? Good question. I'm learning as I go just like you are.
Letting God lead, Grant

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

One of those days

Ever had one of those days? First you wake up late. Then you get to work and the truck won't start because the battery is DEAD because you left the lights on the day before and you don't even know where the battery is located on the truck because it's not your normal truck. Yes, I looked under the hood. It was actually behind this trap-door contraption about half-way down on the driver's side. Who knew. And for some reason the standard issue jumper cables that are always in the trunk of your car are NOT. So finally you find an old pair on the job site and attempt to start the old beast of a truck. Meanwhile all of your customers are waiting for their product. And oh by the way, all this is happening about 4 A.M.
Ever happened to you? Well that was my day yesterday. And, guess what, it was an awesome day. I got the truck started, my customers got their product, not one of them complianed, everything went smooth and I finished my route right on schedule.
Then last night's dinner was delicious and our church-plant team meeting was one of the best we've ever had.
So why share this story? Here's why. Through all of that, the good and the bad, God was THERE. Through it all I felt a strong prescence of the Holy Spirit. Why? I don't know. Maybe it had something to with the fact that the whole day I was humming/singing "Praise You in this storm" by Casting Crowns.
All I know is I felt like sharing.
In Christ, Grant

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Here is what has been on my heart for the last couple of days.... We had about twelve months in Gillette between when we first started telling people about our move to Cheyenne and the reason for the move(planting a church) and the actual move. As you can imagine, as I told co-workers, bosses, other vendors, store managers, un-saved friends,etc., their respones to the news were very broad. Everything from 'Huh' to 'What' to 'Why' to 'Are you nuts' and so on. All very legitiment questions and probably what I would have asked someone if the roles would have been reversed, especially before I was saved. But THE one question I was asked the most went something like this-"Won't that be risky?" My immediate reponse was "ABSOLUTELY!" Then the look on a persons face was usally one of confusion.
RISK-TAKING FAITH! When was the last time you lived that way? When was the last time you heard a sermon on it? I'm not talking about stupid risks or needless risks but living totally sold out for God and being willing to take the risks that might be involved in living that way every day.
I'm reasonably sure all us Christians have all heard this one before "The safest place to be in is the center of God's will." I've heard it several times in five years and even found myself believing it. But now I disagree. Allow me to explain. The BEST place or even the GREATEST place to be is in the center of God's will, but it is NOT always the "safest" Ask almost any Christian in the world, other than an American Christian, about safety and you'll probably get a very different answer.
How many copies of the Bible do you have? When was the last time you felt your life was in danger going to church? Shall I go on?
PLEASE , PLEASE don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to lift myself up or look down on anyone else. I'm just trying to write out what's on my heart. The first person that get's to hear my daily 'sermon' is me. I still fall short. I still stumble. But I can't imagine not being in the race. All God wants is people that will listen and obey. Here I am send me.
Guess what, most of those 'friends' and all of my biological family still think I'm nuts. SO WHAT
I hope some of this made sense. Later, Grant

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Trial and error

Out of all the staff-members at Element Church I am by far the least "techy" when it comes to computers, e-mail, blogging, cell-phones, laptops, PDA's, etc. But I'm learning, mostly through trial-and-error. I tell people alot that when I graduated high school 25 years ago in Lovell, WY. there was one computer in the school and it was in the office and one person knew how to run it. I don't know if that's completely accurate but it does show how far we have come in such a short time. I will say all this technology fascinates me and I will catch up. Enough about that....
I will share more of my story later. Let me just say I'm VERY excited to be in Cheyenne and be part of this church-plant team. Can't wait to see what God is going to do next.