Monday, June 23, 2008


One of my favorite author's is Erwin McManus. I love his books. For whatever reason his books just speak God's truths to me in a very powerful way. In fact his book "The Barbarian Way" is part of our "story"--part of what God used to call us to Cheyenne to plant Element Church. But that's another blog for another day.

Twice I have been blessed to see him speak in person over the last couple of years. Once was two years ago at Willow Creek Church at a small group conference. The second time was just last Tuesday night in Fort Collins. Both times were awesome.

God used both occasions to teach me some things---mostly about myself, but also about people and human nature. What I am going to share, or at least felt led to share, will make one blog too long. So I'll spread it out over a few blogs. At least that way I can have more than one blog a month. LOL

I vividly remember the very first thing I wrote in my journal at Willow shortly after Erwin began to speak. It was this. "Hey, he speaks with a lisp" (Erwin does tend to lisp some of his words when he is speaking but he DOES NOT let that stop him.) I went on in my journal "Here is a guy that has very legitimate reasons, "excuses" if you will, not to do this--not to write books, lead a church, go on speaking engagements, etc. Yet he doesn't let anything stop him. Because the one thing that trumps ALL of his reasons not to do any of this is the one reason to do it---he was called. "Qualified"--maybe, maybe not. "Called"--YES! Since that day I learned even more reasons or excuses or stumbling blocks that could have stopped him. Yet he refuses to let "them" win.

Does Erwin have his critics? Oh, you better believe it. So what? Who doesn't. Once again, he does not let that stop him. In fact(in my opinion) all the more reason he keeps pressing on. My wife reminded me of a quote from one of the Wesley brothers. Can't remember if it was John or Charles but the quote went something like this--"If was able to get out of a town after preaching without at least one person throwing a rotten tomato at me, that told me I was not being bold enough about the Gospel".

So, in summary. PLEASE don't wait until you feel "qualified". If you are called--GO! And really, who cares what the critics say. Don't listen to them.

1 comment:

Strong Tower said...

I guess the question is, are his critics correct?