Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finding Where I Fit

In the short life of Element Church and my short time as one of it's leaders I have learned something very powerful. Let me start by saying that I take no credit for the idea or concept as being "original" . I'm sure I learned it on a blog or in a book or somewhere else. But it has been huge for me.
It has to do with when I am trying to help someone find where they "fit" at Element Church when it comes to serving. The conversation usually goes something like this---
Bob (not his real name) approaches me and tells me he wants to serve. Usually Bob will ask me what we need. My response- "Bob I appreciate your willingness to serve, and to serve where we need you, but I first want to know what your passionate about or where you feel called" Bob-"What?" I continue-" Here's what I know, if your serving in an area that you love or even feel called to, then it will show on your face. The reverse is also true. If your serving somewhere just to fill a hole then that too will show on your face. So tell me first what you LOVE and we'll see where that fits in what we do."
Many times I have seen "Bob's" whole demeanor change. From one of "duty" to one of enthusiasm.
I can not tell how freeing this has been for me and for our awesome volunteers. Already I have witnessed many people take total ownership of their role and make it better and more powerful then I could have. I truly believe that when people find where they fit it totally allows them to be who they were created to be.
Now let me say that like any other rule there is always the exception. I have also seen someone hesitate when challenged to get out of their comfort zone, when it comes to filling a role or a need, only to see that person totally embrace that new role when they find that they actually enjoy it. All they really needed is someone to ask them and believe in them and help them along the way.
I think back to when Jeff first asked me to work with the youth. At first, I really didn't think it was for me. Looking back, those years were HUGE for me! I was the one being blessed by my willingness to serve. I was the one that was learning and maturing every Wednesday getting to hear Jeff preach. I was the one getting shaped for something more. I can't imagine not having that part of my story.
So what does the church need? My opinion--the church needs people totally sold out for Jesus that are willing to "serve", whatever that looks like in their lives. So find where you fit and GO FOR IT!

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