Saturday, April 7, 2007


Here is what has been on my heart for the last couple of days.... We had about twelve months in Gillette between when we first started telling people about our move to Cheyenne and the reason for the move(planting a church) and the actual move. As you can imagine, as I told co-workers, bosses, other vendors, store managers, un-saved friends,etc., their respones to the news were very broad. Everything from 'Huh' to 'What' to 'Why' to 'Are you nuts' and so on. All very legitiment questions and probably what I would have asked someone if the roles would have been reversed, especially before I was saved. But THE one question I was asked the most went something like this-"Won't that be risky?" My immediate reponse was "ABSOLUTELY!" Then the look on a persons face was usally one of confusion.
RISK-TAKING FAITH! When was the last time you lived that way? When was the last time you heard a sermon on it? I'm not talking about stupid risks or needless risks but living totally sold out for God and being willing to take the risks that might be involved in living that way every day.
I'm reasonably sure all us Christians have all heard this one before "The safest place to be in is the center of God's will." I've heard it several times in five years and even found myself believing it. But now I disagree. Allow me to explain. The BEST place or even the GREATEST place to be is in the center of God's will, but it is NOT always the "safest" Ask almost any Christian in the world, other than an American Christian, about safety and you'll probably get a very different answer.
How many copies of the Bible do you have? When was the last time you felt your life was in danger going to church? Shall I go on?
PLEASE , PLEASE don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to lift myself up or look down on anyone else. I'm just trying to write out what's on my heart. The first person that get's to hear my daily 'sermon' is me. I still fall short. I still stumble. But I can't imagine not being in the race. All God wants is people that will listen and obey. Here I am send me.
Guess what, most of those 'friends' and all of my biological family still think I'm nuts. SO WHAT
I hope some of this made sense. Later, Grant

1 comment:

Jeff Maness said...

Great man! Sounds like a good sermon to me.